Check out our great results below and for any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.
EdStart Exam Results 2023
First Analysis
6 students entered for a range of GCSE subjects.
- English Language
- English Literature
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Combined science
- Religious Studies (New Specification)
- Sports Studies (dual)
- IMedia (dual)
- Photography (dual)
Key Headlines
100 % of students achieved at least 4 GCSE ‘s grade in one or more subjects. Including Mathematics, English and Science.
- 100% of attending EHCP students also achieved at least 4 or more GCSE grades and up to 8.
- All students with access arrangements in place utilised successfully, where necessary.
- 100% of students moved onto a positive destination post-16 either attending college, apprenticeships or within the workplace.
- Our highest achiever had an EHCP with a history of non-attendance mainstream school prior to joining EdStart Wigan. This student achieved 9 GCSE qualifications including a Grade 4 in Photography.
- We are very proud of the relationships built between EdStart Wigan and our local referring schools and authorities that have allowed a wide breadth of GCSE attainment. We are very pleased that this cohort had the opportunity to sit and excel in exams, which is a testament to them, their families and all involved.