Check out our great results below and for any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Wigan Group EdStart Exam Results August 2024

First Analysis

10 pupils entered for a range of up to 6 GCSE subjects.

Wigan Year Group sitting the following GCSE exams.

  1. English Language
  2. English Literature
  3. Mathematics
  4. Biology
  5. Religious Studies
  6. Physical Education

94 % of pupils that sat exams achieved a GCSE Grade in all their subjects.

  • 82% of total possible/58 exam scripts were completed this year.
  • 100% of pupils that sat Mathematics achieved a grade.
  • 88% of pupils that sat English Language achieved a grade.
  • 100% of pupils that sat English Literature achieved a grade.
  • 86% of pupils that sat Biology achieved a grade.
  • 100% of pupils that sat Religious Studies GCSE long course achieved a grade.
  • 100% of pupils achieved a grade in GCSE Physical Education.
  • 30% of pupils achieved 6 secure GCSE grades.
  • 75% average attendance rate over a 4-week exam period.
  • 18% of the total results were at grade 4 for those who sat exams.
  • Grade 4 results achieved in 4 of the 6 subjects delivered on the curriculum.
  • 3 pupils achieved a pass in their independent English Speaking & Listening externally moderated assessments.

Key Headlines

  • Increase in the number of grade 4 GCSE results.
  • Mathematics 100% pass rate for attendees is above the Edstart group average.
  • PE 100% pass rate.
  • English Language & Literature % pass rates above the Edstart group average.
  • English Literature saw 43% of pupils sitting exams achieve a grade 4.
  • Biology % pass rate of 88% is just above the Edstart group average of 86%.
  • Religious Studies % pass rate more than double the EdStart group average.
  • Post-16 destinations currently at 90% secure. All students have 3 secure pathways in place.
  • Very pleased with the results given the return to pre-pandemic grade boundaries & based on this being the first fully completed year for exams based at Edstart Wigan. As a school we are maintaining our high GCSE awards in core and additional subjects.

For information about term times and timetables please get in touch.